Welcome to our weekly blog!!

Welcome to our weekly blog!!
Miss Helen loves to take pictures of us learning and having fun!
Visit our blog weekly to see what we have been up to!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

5/24 - 5/27

Our Week in Photos!
May 24th - May 27th
We continued our North American Animals theme this week

Because of a little illness in the house this week we spent a lot of our time outside!!
Heading out on our nature walk!

Beautiful flowers we saw on our walk.

Praticing our balance.


Look at me...eating with a fork like a big girl!!

Fun at the park!!

Fun in the sprinkler!!

Fun with stamps

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

5/17 - 5/21

Our Week in Photos!
May 17th - 21st
Our theme this week was North American Animals
Our letter was the letter Z
Looking for North America on the globe.

Our great books and pawprint necklaces.

Taking care of the animals at the Zoo.

Jada checking out Bull.


Playing doctor with our friends.

Davis' spider.

Look a mountain goat!

Our Zoo!!

Going shopping.

Fun in the Sun!!

Playing in the kitchen. Don't forget your princess shoes!!

We love cooking with our friends!

Our moose headbands!

Working on our Bear in the Woods project.

Our finished projects!! So great!

Big kids on the easel.

Cooking zucchini bread (keeping with our Z theme) for Lucas' birthday!!
The birthday boy!!

Yummm! Happy Birthday Lucas!
Have a great Friday and wonderful weekend!!